
If you havent heard, Texas got hit with a tornado
which knocked out all the power.
I was unable to code for several days till now!
The power is back! Huzzah!

Anyway, I've been writing my dreams in a journal and thought
"Hey, why not put one into this website?"
That's why this part of the website has color.
Is the purple too much? I would have used another color
but then i'd look like a copycat. :(
Take a wild guess on who im refering to.

That's all I have for today.
Also this has been on repeat in my head.
(Click on the camera)


Bad news!! I've been using my school computer to code
and they're taking it away tomorrow. ˙◠˙
So, no more coding for me until the end of summer.
Boo hoo!
If you want you can check my tumblr but I dont post anything
unless a miracle happens.
btw i've noticed how messed up the site is (ノ´ー`)ノ
I'm going to cry myself to sleep tonight.


this website will not be finished.